Fractional CTO-as-a-service for startups

A service for founders to benefit from our experience in building state-of-the-art software systems and high-performing, interdiscplinary teams.

The problem

As a founder without a technical background, it is often difficult to make the right decisions for building a software engineering team. A seemingly endless amount of factors have to be combined to create the best setup for your individual business case and a quick market fit and an agile environment with high flexibility are top priorities.

Our solution

In the role of a Fractional CTO, i.e. a temporary CTO, we will work with you to lay the foundation for a modern, attractive and productive software engineering unit. We create a technical strategy, help recruit the first roles and provide valuable input to build a sustainable company culture that can compete in a highly competitive market for good talent.

How to get started?

The idea sounds promising, the business plan is in place and you could get started – if there wasn’t the question of how to implement the technological part. But what are the right steps for a successful project start?

Overwhelmed by buzzwords?

Which of the umpteen options of technologies is right for your business case? And what the heck do all these technical buzzwords mean that are popping up all over the place?

How to translate an idea into results?

Agile and Scrum, User Stories and Design Sprints, Cloud Computing and Release Management – how can you combine the right ones from all these techniques in the right order to get to the best possible result?

What roles are needed in the team?

As a founder without technical background, it’s often difficult to assess what the essential tech-related roles are. Is it a CTO or a Software Engineer? Do you need a Product Manager, a UX Designer, or both? And in which stage? We work with you on an individual team concept to ensure the scalability of your business.

How to find the best people?

You know which roles you need for your business, but you hardly find suitable applicants due to a shortage of skilled workers. Don’t worry – you’re not alone with this challenge.

What is the right culture?

One and a half to three years is the average time software engineers stay with a company. Every fluctuation costs money and often has a longer-term impact. What cultural measures can you take to prevent this?

The path to a scaling tech setup

This early phase lays the foundation for deciding whether a business can easily scale and adapt, or whether sooner or later you’ll be faced with the infamous big refactoring. We give you the necessary input for a solid, scalable setup that allows a fast time-to-market.

A clear technical strategy

We give you the relevant input for a lean and exponential growth oriented toolbox of technologies. We focus exclusively on the really necessary cornerstones and strive for a minimalistic and scalable design of your future software department.

Lean development processes

Less is often more – and this is especially true for the development of complex software systems. We establish a lean way for product development in your business that uses solid and easy to understand processes with a focus on outcomes.

The right roles at the right time

Successful companies are based on interdisciplinary, high-performing teams. We take this potential development into account from the outset and do not just look at individual staffing. This allows you to build a scalable team with the right roles focused on product verticals from the start.

Hire top talents with a small budget

We help founders navigate tightrope walks by implementing modern team culture and sustainable scaling leadership principles. Our services include creating an enticing foundation for demanding techies and optimizing the recruiting process to attract top talents.

Create a high-performing team

Whether software engineers, product managers or product designers – many people today expect a meaningful job in which they can contribute their own creativity. With an appropriate work culture, you can meet these requirements and present yourself as a modern employer.

Learn from the mistakes others have made before you

Startups in particular often hire primarily younger and thus rather inexperienced employees. And although there is nothing wrong with this, there is a risk of losing efficiency through too much learning-by-doing and thus falling behind the competition in the time-to-market, which is immensely important for startups.

With our offer for a Fractional CTO you can rely on an experienced sparring partner. By establishing a learning culture, we ensure that your team has full access to our know-how and that you can quickly, flexibly and professionally take the next big step with your business.

Your benefits


From small to large organizations

We bring experience from both startups and larger companies.


Cross-industry knowledge

In addition to technical know-how, we bring experience in a wide variety of industries such as Fintech, eCommerce or Healthtech.


Modern Leadership Principles

We strive for a progressive and economically and ecologically sustainable approach to corporate development.


Lean and state-of-the-art technologies

Our technological input is focused on state-of-the-art, low-maintenance technologies with low long-term costs.


English or German communication

We offer all our services in English and/or German.

How it works

We refer to our approach as hands-on consulting. Our goal is to either initiate the first important steps towards a standalone tech company or to provide selective support at a later stage on specific topics typically addressed by a CTO. These can be technical topics, setting up processes or questions around the work culture in a team that is responsible for product development.

  • Hourly-based touchpoints or longer-term collaborations are possible
  • Collaboration with individuals at all levels such as management, team members, board of directors, or investors
  • Multidisciplinary approach that includes possible existing structures
  • Sustainable handover and discussion of all relevant processes and structures to the appropriate roles in your company
  • Q&A for follow-up questions

Let's get startet!

Lay the foundation for your worry-free scalable business with state-of-the-art technologies, efficient development methods and interdisciplinary team setups. Let’s get in touch for a first chat.

Falko Burghausen

Falko Burghausen


Falko’s extensive knowledge in building scalable software systems and teams, cloud computing and leadership principles helps you to find the best possible solution for your business case.